BRAND NEW: Mentorship – An Individual Monthly Photography Mentoring Programme

BRAND NEW: Mentorship – An Individual Monthly Photography Mentoring Programme


If you would like to increase your skills across multiple genres and get personalised expert feedback on your images then my new bi-monthly Mentorship programme could be the solution for you.

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If you would like to increase your skills and get personalised expert feedback on your images, develop a signature look, develop meaningful projects, etc.-  then my new individual monthly Mentorship programme could be the solution for you.

There is certainly a time in your photography journey where group training is very valuable, but you may have found that you wish to have more 1 on 1 time to really hone your skills, develop quicker and really find your style. This is where photography mentoring can really accelerate your learning. Think of me as a trusted advisor, who offers a truly transformative experience in which I can focus all my energy, ideas, experience, creativity and educational skill to helping you discover, and realise your true photographic potential, or use photography as a journey to discover yourself.



Where do you want to go?
The mentorship journey is a very individual thing, some clients want to become better photographers, or develop a signature style, or get published, or develop a body of work, or gain commercial work, or sell prints, or a combination.
Others are seeking a level of self discovery through photography, finding their voice, and may even be heading towards becoming visual artists.
Wherever you want to go, I have the experience and skills to equip you for that journey, to challenge your thinking, to push you to new heights.

Throughout the programme you will be challenged to shoot new projects and develop your understanding and execution of different techniques.

Because of its bespoke nature mentoring is suitable for all levels of photographer from novice through to expert, who want regular photography advice, guidance and feedback.

The initial Mentorship programme lasts 5 months at £99 a month, within this timeframe you will have 5 x 1 hour mentoring sessions thereafter you can continue your mentorship journey and pay as you go.

Additionally, you can bolt on additional hours at £99 as and when, for those wanting to further accelerate their journey.


Here’s how it works:

Month 1 – Assessment.

To get us off to a flying start, I’ve designed a quick questionnaire that you can complete beforehand in your own time. This begins to help me form an idea of where you are now and what you currently think that you’d like to achieve and begin the process of challenging your thinking both of photography and your goals. I’ll also ask you to upload a selection of images to a private gallery. The review helps both you and I understand  your visual values.

Month 2 – Exploration.

Now the fun begins as I get you research and present to me your dream images – those killer images that you’ve seen from world class photographers and artists and explain to me what it is you love about each image.
This helps us both understand your aspirational visual values and what need to happen for you achieve them.
In this session, we also develop a personalised roadmap to guide us through what we need to achieve.


Month 3 onwards – The journey.

Once we’ve roadmapped your personal journey, it’s time to help you achieve your goals in a structured monthly program.
This may involve anything from developing projects with you and getting you out developing specific skills, to developing a signature style, proposition, social media, web site, pricing strategy, marketing and making money.


Where does the journey end?

Well, that’s up to you, after month 5 it reverts to ‘pay as you go’ with no contract or commitment. I want you to thrive, succeed and become a better photographer that you could have ever imagined at the beginning of our journey, where that ends, is up to you.


Recent successes:

I now have 26 x students on my Mentorship program and whilst everybody’s journey and destination is individual, I’m delighted to mention 2 x early successes.

I have a talented photographer who wants to become an online educator, I’m helping them develop an online workshop and I’ve spoked to the RPS and they have agreed to host it – more on that once we have a published date.

Plus, Janice, a talented creative photographer has already started to produce some very strong and commercial work, and she was delighted to tell me she’s just sold her first couple of images! (Above & below)


Is it genre specific?

Nope, great mentoring, thinking and education transcends genre.


What time slots are available?

We’re all having so much fun and success, I’ve decided to dedicate more time to Mentorship.
I now have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday daytime slots available. in addition to some Sunday afternoon slots, obviously on a first come first served basis + you’re not wedded to a specific time day combination and can select the next date that suite you after each session.

Anyone wanting to join can order here to secure a place and we can compare diaries to find a time that works, or feel free to email me to discuss.


Next Steps?

Simply add to basket, checkout and pay just the first months £99, I’ll then contact you to arrange an agreeable start point.

Each month thereafter, I’ll send you a PayPal invoice for £99



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