Beginners Guide to Street Photography (On-Demand Video )

Beginners Guide to Street Photography (On-Demand Video )


This is a fantastic opportunity to purchase and have access to the video for 3 years, learning at your own pace.

This video based Masterclass will teach you how to work faster free from technical constraints that add no value, understand 3 x different ways of shooting, how to take significantly less, but dramatically better images and how to become a confident Street Photographer…

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On-Demand Beginners Guide to Street Photography with Simon Ellingworth

By The Royal Photographic Society



Experts Credentials:

I’m Simon Ellingworth a full time photography educator & one to one mentor, with over a decades experience creating and delivering eduction for The Royal Photographic Society, I  specialise in street, black and white photograph, composition, gestalt theory available light portraiture.

With over 26 x International photography awards including 6 x ‘Mono Vision Awards’, 3 x ‘Monochrome Awards’, 3 x ‘Sony Awards’ and most recently, 1st place in the highly contested ‘2024 International Photography Awards’ in the professional category; selected from 14,000 entries from more than 100 countries.

During my workshops I like to challenge people’s thinking, change the way they see the world, and provide technical liberation from their camera with simple new ways and techniques to craft compelling images through a lens.


Not quite what you are after?

I offer a number of bespoke workshops we’ve developed and deliver for the The Royal Photographic Society and will be adding more shortly.

Sign up here and we will send you details.


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